Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I took this picture after I bought her in Bellingham. We found the boat from a nice guy named Craig via Craigslist. My siblings and I will be going in on the cost of moorage and make it the Blakesley family boat. We always wanted a “Crane Family Cabin” like Frasier, Niles, and their dad, but I think this is way better. The plan is as follows:

• I take sailing classes (Barrett already knows what he’s doing for some reason)
• Get the electric motor, batteries, and prop
• Go to Bellingham and install all that stuff+the new hatch
• Sail it to Olympia and moor it at Swantown Marina

Meanwhile, Barrett is slaving away on building the new hatch, since the old one crumbled in his hands when he tried to remove it. We found a killer deal on teak, so he's probably going to build two extra hatches. Any other Ericson owners out there need a new teak hatch?

1 comment:

  1. That's a nice picture of your boat. I hope you don't mind, I copied it and used it as the photo for the post to introduce your blog on Electric Seas.
